Lesson plan for implementing some google drive tools into a language arts classroom
- Target students
- 11th grade
- English & language arts
- Creative short writing
- The two tools I’m using will be google docs and slides.
- Docs will serve as a collaborative word processor and aggregator. Students will be split into groups and choose a theme for their work to revolve around, using one document for all their writing. One of the major advantages of using google docs compared to other word processors is that peers can make suggestions in real time with the comments feature. By 11th grade students should be able to give basic substantive feedback, even if it’s as simple as asking a question about how such a story relates to a theme, or to say that thus and such a turn of phrase is handy. Things like poetry, flash fiction, and short nonfiction will all be acceptable. The idea is to express a facet of a theme.
- Slides will be used for pictures to go along with a voiced-over screencast of the short pieces. Each student takes or finds a photo to go along with their piece, and then make a screencast wherein they read with the photo as backdrop. Ideally the photo is something that serves as a complement to the theme, though perhaps not obviously.
- The idea is that students will compose a collection of very short fiction stories based around a theme chosen by the group. Work will be composed in google docs so that they can be peer-edited with suggestions for things like grammar and content and relevance to the theme. Then the students will arrange the pieces in a manner to be determined by the group members. Then the students will find or take photos that somehow illustrate or complement the story. By writing the piece first but then reading it with an illustrative backdrop, students will be engaging more of the senses of the audience.
- Grading will be done on a participation basis. I find that grading creative writing projects is probably a terrible thing to anyone, especially if they have any insecurity about their stuff.